Sugar Creek Resort

Seasons of Sugar Creek


                                           Spring at Sugar Creek Resort is gorgeous. Wild flowers, including yellow wood poppies, line the trails and the red buds in full bloom make the trail ride breathtakingly beautiful.  


Summer at Sugar Creek Resort is filled with fun things to do.  Horseback riding, canoeing, hay riding, picnicking, and other outdoor games are all part of the enjoyable activities at SCR.


Looking for a relaxing place to have your company picnic or conference?  Visit our corporate programs page to view the services we can offer your business and employees.

Fall at Sugar Creek Resort is perfect for trail riding.  The scenery is beautiful when the leaves turn and the crisp air is wonderful for evening hot dog roasts and hayrides.  Come enjoy the fun at SCR.

Sugar Creek Resort is closed during the winter season.  We close from about Thanksgiving and reopen the first of May when the weather is consistently better for outdoor activities.  The scenery is still beautiful.  Please come be a part of the activities at Sugar Creek Resort from May through November!

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