Year of Tax Collection: 1796
Ackonond, James
Adams, Aron
Adams, John
Adams, Joseph
Adams, Ralph
Adams, Thomas
Adams, William
Adridge, William
Aitcherson, William
Akin, James
Akin, Samuel
Alexander, Aaron
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, David
Alexander, Hugh
Alexander, Jal Com
Alexander, James (Flat)
Alexander, James Jr
Alexander, James Sr
Alexander, John
Alexander, Roland
Alexander, Thomas
Alexander, William
Alkire, Adam
Allen, William
Allin, John
Allin, John Exempt
Allin, Marey
Allin, William
Allin, William Jr
Allkier, Harmonious
Allkier, Michael
Allkier, William
Alphin, Zebulon
Ament, Gabril
Amos, Nicholas
Amous, Nicholous
Amous, Thomas
Anderson, Edward
Anderson, George
Anderson, James
Anderson, John
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Nathaniel
Anderson, Reuben
Anderson, Thomas
Anderson, William
Anderson, William
Andrew, James
Archer, John
Ardery, James
Ardery, John
Armstrong, James
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, Robert
Arnold, Nicholas
Arnold, Nicholas
Arnold, Nicholas
Arnold, Thomas
Arnold, William
Arrasmith, Richard
Arrasmith, Thomas
Artman, Jacob
Artman, John Jr
Artman, John Sr
Artman, Michael
Ashbrook, Aaron
Ashbrook, Felix
Ashbrook, Thomas
Ashcraft, Jacob
Asken(?), Josiah
Askins, George
Askins, John
Askins, Moses
Athay, Robert
Ayres, John
Ayres, Thomas
Backby, Robert
Badder, Moses
Baggs, John
Baird, Bazila
Baker, Adam
Baker, Benjamin
Baker, Isaac
Baker, Jacob
Baker, Martin Jr
Baker, Martin Sr
Baker, Samuel
Baker, Thomas
Baker, William
Balentine, Robert
Ballard, William
Ballard, William
Banta, Albert
Banta, Henry
Bar, David
Bar, Hugh
Barber, James
Barda, J Reuben
Bardace, Clabon
Bargret(?), John
Barkem, Henry
Barker, Abner
Barker, Robert
Barker, William.
Barlow, Tompkins
Barlow, William
Barnaw, George
Barnet, Alexander
Barnet, Robert
Barnett, Benjamin
Barnett, James (Exempt)
Barns, Thomas
Barns, Zachariah
Barns(?), John
Barton, Andrew
Barton, Joshua
Basey, Elizaman
Basket, Jesse
Bath, James
Bathe, John
Batson, Mordecai
Batterton, Henry
Bay, Hugh
Bayley, John
Baylis, Elender
Bayly, F Thomas
Bayly, John
Beadey(?), William
Beagle, Thomas
Beale, Walter
Beam, Daniel
Bean, James
Bean, John
Bean, Joseph
Beard, James
Beard, John
Beard, John (Exempt)
Beard, Thomas
Beatey, John
Beckett, Joseph
Beckett, Robert
Becraft, Benjamin
Becraft, James
Becraft, Joshua
Bedford, Archabel
Bedford, Archabel
Bedford, B Little
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, John
Bedford(?), Stephen
Beeth, George
Beeth, James
Bell, Archibald
Bell, Archibald
Bell, Archibald
Bell, Archibald
Bell, David
Bell, Edward
Bell, James
Bell, John
Bell, Mary
Bell, William
Bell(?), Robert
Belt, Higgerson
Benly (?) Robert
Benn, Benjamin
Bennefield, George
Bennefield, James
Bennefield, Samuel
Bennefield, William
Benningfield, Henry
Bennington, John
Bennington(?), Nehemiah
Benson, James
Benson, William
Berry, Barz. Jr
Berry, Barz. Sr
Berry, Benj Amin
Berwin, John
Beshares, Judson
Besharrow, John (Exempt)
Bettle, George
Bexter, Edward
Biddle, Richard
Bigger, John
Bigger, John
Bisco, Thomas
Bishong, John
Black, Alexander
Black, Andrew
Black, James Sr
Black, John
Black, John Sr
Black, John Sr
Black, Joseph Jr
Black, Richard
Black, Samuel
Black, William.
Blackburn, Sarah
Blair, Alexander
Blair, Benjamin
Blair, George
Blair, James
Blair, John
Blair, William.
Blake, Robert
Blew, John
Bloom, Peter
Blount, Andrew
Blount, Cyrus
Blount, Redding
Boardman, Benjamin
Boardman, Joseph
Boatman, Alias
Boatman, Henery
Boatman, William
Bodkins, James (Exempt)
Bogs, William
Boid, John
Boles, David
Boles, Jesse
Boling, Thomas
Bond, William
Bonum, Amariah
Booker, Jacob
Boon, Jesse
Boon, Mcdaniel
Boon, Ovid
Bora (?) , Felty
Bough, Nicholas
Bovell, John
Bovell, Stephen
Bowe, William Heirs
Bowman, Abram
Bowman, Joseph
Boyd, David
Boyd, John
Boyd, Mary
Boyd, Thomas (Exempt)
Boyd, William
Brackenridge, James
Brackinridg, Alexander
Brackinridg, George
Brackinridg, John
Brackinridg, Robert
Braggs, Thomas
Braggs, William
Bramble, William
Bramblet, Hugh
Bramblett, Henry
Bratton, James
Brawdwell, Jacob
Brent, Hugh
Brest, John
Brewer, John
Brice, Samuel
Brimberry, John
Brimberry, Matthew
Brineger, John
Bristow, James
Bristow, John
Bristow, John
Bristow, John
Brothers, Thomas
Brown, Alexander
Brown, Colby
Brown, David
Brown, Elizabeth
Brown, Hezekiah
Brown, James
Brown, James Agent
Brown, James Agent
Brown, James Agent
Brown, James Tax Man
Brown, John
Brown, Thomas
Browning, Francis
Browning, Isaac
Browning, James
Browning, Micajah
Browning, Reuben
Browning, Thomas
Browning, William
Bruin, Winford
Brumley, John
Bryan, Andrew
Bryan, James Jr
Bryan, James Sr
Bryan, Joseph
Buckhannon, Joseph
Bumgarner, George
Bumry, George
Bun-In(?), John
Burch, Joseph
Burden, James
Burden, John
Burger, John Jr
Burger, John Sr
Burk, Robert
Burnes, Garrard
Burns, Andrew
Burns, James
Burns, John
Bursby, James
Bursby, Matthew
Butler, Dory
Butler, Thomas
Butler, William
Buzby, Robert
Byers, Christopher
Byrd, Abriham
Byrd, James
Byrd, John
Byrum, David
Byrum, Edward
Byrum, Lewis
Bysers, James
Caldwell, John
Caldwell, Robert
Caldwell, Samuel
Caldwell, William
Calfhead, Adam
Calhoon, John
Callis, Francis
Callis, Francis Agent
Callis, Francis Agent
Callis, Francis Agent
Calloway, Abram
Cambell, Josias
Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, George
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, James
Campbell, John
Campbell, Laurance
Campbell, Mary
Campbell, William.
Canaday, James
Cane, James
Carago, James
Carath, Walter
Carder, Langford
Carey, Joseph (Exempt)
Caril (?) Andrew
Carington, William
Carington, William
Carnahan, James
Carpender, John
Carr, David
Carr, Joseph
Carr, Robert
Carson, James
Carvell, John
Case, Joseph
Case(?), James
Caseday, Daniel
Caseriel(?), Bartholomew
Casey, James
Casey, John
Casseldine, John
Cathton, Stephen
Caughey, John
Cavender, John
Cawl, David
Cearbey, Enoch
Celley, Thomas
Cesley, Jacob
Chadwick, John
Chambers, John
Chambers, Silus
Chamlin, George
Champ, John
Champ, Robert
Champ, Thomas
Chaney, Edmond
Chaney, Samuel
Chattin, Aron
Chinn, Chitester
Chinn, Thomas
Chinn, Thomas
Chinn, William
Chipman, Draper
Christenberry, William.
Cillbreath, Benjamin
Ciplinger, George
Clancey, William
Clansey, James
Clarke, Alexander
Clarke, Ambros
Clarke, Bowlin
Clarke, James
Clarke, John
Clarke, Richard
Clarke, Robert
Clarke, Thomas
Clarke, William
Clarkson, Anselem
Clarkson, David
Clarkson, John
Clarkson, Julius
Clarkson, William
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry
Clay, John
Clay, Samuel
Clayton, Samuel
Clement, Benjamin Jr
Clement, Benjamin Sr
Clemmons, John
Clems, Joseph
Clendennan, Robert
Clendennan, Thomas
Clendennon, John
Cleveland, John
Clevinger, James
Cline, Conrod
Cline, Peter
Clinkenbeard, Ga
Clinkenbeard, Isaac
Clinkenbeard, Jobe
Clinkenbeard, William.
Cockren, Samuel
Cockrin, Andrew
Cocks, John
Coffer, George
Coffman, Abram
Coldwell, Alexander(?)
Coldwell, Andrew
Coldwell, Peter
Coldwell, Robert
Coldwell, William
Coldwell, William Sr
Cole, Brawd
Cole, James
Cole, William
Coleman, Daniel
Coleman, James
Coleman, James
Coleman, James
Coleman, Julus
Coleman, Thomas
Coll, Daniel
Coll, Samuel
Collins, James
Collins, John
Collins, Martha
Colloway, Edmond
Colloway, William
Collure, Daniel
Collure, John
Collure, William
Colvill, Joseph
Colvill, Joseph
Colwell, David
Colwell, Isaac
Colwell, James
Congleton, James
Congleton, John
Congleton, William
Conly, Martha
Conn, John
Conn, Notley
Conn, Notley
Conn, Thomas Ir
Conn, Thomas Sr
Connaway, William
Conner, William
Conrod, George
Conway, Samuel
Conyngham, L Frederick
Cook, Isaac
Coone, George
Coosenbury, John
Coppidg, John
Corbin, William
Corethers, Thomas
Corethers, William
Cormack, Johnathan
Cornich, Richard
Cotton, John
Cottrel, Thomas
Couchman, Benedict
Couchman, Matthew
Coulson, John
Counts, Jacob
Cowin, Hugh
Cowin, Isaac
Cowin, John
Cowin, William
Cowin, William Sr
Cox, John
Cox, Michael
Crafford, George
Crafford, Samuel
Craig, John
Craig, Robert
Craig, William Ir
Craig, William Sr
Crawford, Nobb
Crawford, William
Crockett, James
Crockett, Robert
Crose, Michael
Cross, James
Cross, Zachariah
Crouch, David
Crouch, James
Crouch, John
Crouch, Johnathan
Crouch, Joseph
Crow, John
Cummins, Jacob
Cummins, James
Cummins, John
Cuningham, Robert
Cunning, John
Cunningham, Robert
Curent, Thomas
Curey, John
Curtright, Richard
Curtright, Samuel
Custard, Cunrod
Custard, George
Daily, Arthur
Daily, Dennis
Daley, Edmond
Daley, William
Darling, Abram
Darling, Lambert
Darnell, Archibald
Darnell, Thomas
Davet (?) , Henery
David, Robert
_____, Marie Of David
Davidson, John
Davis, Frederic
Davis, Garrett
Davis, George
Davis, James
Davis, John
Davi S, Joseph
Davis, L John
Davis, Stephen
Davis, Thomas
Davis, William
Davison, Andrew
Davison, Edward
Davison, James
Davison, Robert
Dawson, Isaac
Dawson, Samuel
Dawson, Thomas
Day, Midleton
Day, Trueman(?)
Daysey, Johnathan
Daysey, Roads
Dean, Abriham
Debell, Lewis
Decker, Samuel
Deene, Roger
Deever(?), William
Delay, Henry
Delay, James
Delay, John
Delbridg, Robert
Dellener, George
Demit, Richard
Denerson, James
Denerson, Thomas
Denliner(?), Daniel
Denwoodey, William
Despard, Henry
Dial, Edmond
Dickey, David
Dickey, John
Dickson, Joseph
Dickson, Josiah
Dickson, Thomas
Dillen, Samuel
Dilman, Michael
Dobinspike, Philip
Dogan, Pathick
Dohe, James
Donnelson, John
Dougan, Joseph
Dougherty, James
Dougherty, John
Douglas, Samuel
Douglas, William
Drumen, James
Ducker, Nathaniel
Duffie, Abram
Duffie, Benjamin
Duffie, Ezebela
Duffie, Thomas
Duffin, Hugh
Duke, Matthew
Dun, Thomas
Dunbar, Sally
Duncan, Daniel
Duncan, Elias
Duncan, James
Duncan, Thomas
Durbin, Daniel
Dykes, William
Eades, John
Eades, Thomas
Eades, William
Eaple, John
Earliwine, Daniel
Earliwine, George
Easly, Margaret
Eastin, Austrin
Eastin, Austrin
Eastin, Austrin
Eaton, Benjamin
Eberman, Michael
Edmiston, David
Edmiston, Robert
Edmonson, William
Edmund, James
Edward, Elizabeth
Edwards, George
Edwards, Hayden Sr
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, John Jr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr Agent
Edwards, Peter
Elgin, Samuel
Elise, John
Ellett(?), Robert
Elliott, William.
Ellis, Henry
Ellis, Jerriel
Ellis, Joseph
Ellis, Philip
Emith, Joseph(?)
Endecutt, Aron
Endecutt, Barzila
Endecutt, Moses
Endecutt, Samuel
Endecutt, Thomas
Endecutt, Thomas Jr
Ervin, Andrew
Ervin, David
Ervin, James
Ervin, John
Erwin, William
Esley, John
Evans, Jacob
Evans, John
Evans, Robert
Evans, Samuel
Everman(?), Samuel
Evins, Amos
Evins, Hugh
Evins, John
Evins, Richard
Evins, Samuel
Evins, Thomas
Evins, Walter
Ewault, Henry
Ewault, Henry
Ewault, Henry Agent
Ewin, John
Ewing, Charles
Ewing, James
Exlin(?), William
Fm, M Sr
F_Dley(?), John
F Xer (?) Robert
Farrow, John Heirs
Fe Ec(?), William
Feeack, Fredrick
Febus, George
Febus, John Jr
Febus, John Sr
Feegin, James
Fern (?) , Hugh
Feugate, Edward
Feugate, George
Fields, Ezekel
Fields, John
Fields, Larkin
Fields, Reuben
Fields, On(?)
Fight, Gilbert
Fight, James
Fight, John
Filler(?), Fredrick
Finley, George
Finley, Robert
Finns, Mary
Firkrum(?), Peter
Firman, John
Firman, William
Fisgus, George
Fishback, George
Fishback, Josiah
Fisher, Irons(?)
Fisher, Mary
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Solomon
Fleming, James
Fleming, Lewis
Fleming, Peter
Fleming, Samuel
Fleming, Thomas (Exempt)
Flenniken, Matthew
Flenniken, Samuel
Flowers, Thomas
Flowers, Thomas
Flowers, Thomas
Foard(?), Benjamin
Ford, Abner
Ford, Edward
Ford, John
Ford, Warner
Forester, Grisum
Forguson, John
Forguson, Richard
Forsith(?), John
Forsith(?), William
Foster, Asa
Foster, David
Foster, David Of Thos
Foster, Harrison
Foster, John
Foster, Robert
Foster, Seth
Foster, William
Foster(?), James
Fourthier, John
Foxworthy, John
Frame, Jeremiah
Frame, Jeremiah
Francis, Evan
Francis, William F Evan
Frane, David
Frazer, C James
Frazer, George
Frazer, James
Frazer, Simon
Freeman, Elijah
Freeman, Elijah
Freman, Philip
Friend, Andrew
Friend, Charles
Friend, Elijah
Friman, Aaron
Fritz, Volentine
Fry, Abram
Fry, James
Frybarger, Lewis
Fukes(?), William
Fulton, James
Funk, Adam
Funk, Adam (Exempt)
Fytes, Jacob
G(?), John
G(?), Henry
G(?), Philip
G(?), John
G(?), Rolin
Gin(?), J Mialm
G-Ner (?) Robert
Galloway, James
Galloway, Rebecca
Galloway, Robert
Galloway, William
Gambel 1 (?) David
Garard, James
Garard, James
Garard, James
Garard, James
Garner, William
Garnett, George
Garrard, James
Garrard, Nicholas
Garrard, William
Garrard, William
Garton, James
Gass, John
Gassaway, Benjamin
Gavins, Samuel
Gavins, Samuel
Gavins, Samuel
Gavins, William
Geane, Joseph
Genkins, Matthew
Gennings, Solomon
George, Gabril
George, Parnick
Gerrard, Daniel
Gibson, Samuel
Giddeans(?), Colby
Giddeans(?), Henery
Gilky, Charles
Gillick, Laurance
Gillmore, Andrew
Gillum, Thomas
Gilpon, Israel
Gilpon, Israel
Gilpon, Israel
Gist, James
Gist, Nathaniel
Gist, Nathaniel
Gist, Nathaniel
Gittenor, Abram
Gittenor, Barne
Gittenor, Lewis
Gl(?), Plesent
Glascock, Samuel
Glen, Jeremiah
Gobbler(?), Godfrey
Godman, Jeremiah
Goram, Alexander
Goram, Thomas
Goram, Thomas
Gorrell, John
Gosney, Elisabeth
Gosseth, John
Goznell, William
Gragg, John
Grant, Christopher
Grant, John
Graves, Richard
Gray, David
Gray, James (Exempt)
Gray, William
Grayham, James
Grayham, Nehemiah
Greathouse, Gabril
Green, George
Green, James
Green, John
Gregg, James
Gregg, John
Gregg, Mathew
Gregg, William
Grier, Sarah
Griffeth, John
Griffeth, Menareth
Griffin, Ann
Griffin, John
Griffith, John Ir
Griffith, John Sr
Griffith, William.
Grigsbey, Baylis
Grigsbey, Jesse
Grimes, Aurther
Grimes, Avery
Grimes, James
Grimes, Stephen
Grimsley, Nelson
Grimsley, Nimrod
Grooms, Abram
Grooms, Solomon
Grooms, William.
Grubbs, Ann
Grubs, Elizabeth
Gruning, Thomas Exempt
Gruning, William
Haff, John
Haff, Paul
Hagleherst, Isaac
Hail, Abram
Haley, Benjamin
Hall, Caleb
Hall, James
Hall, John
Hall, Joshua
Hall, Lawrence
Hall(?), William
Hallock, Benjamin
Ham, Jacob
Ham, Stephen
Hambleton, Alexander
Hambleton, Barnenas
Hambleton, Benjamin
Hambleton, Gillbreath
Hambleton, James
Hambleton, John
Hambleton, Robert
Hambleton, Samuel
Hambleton, Thomas
Hamets, John
Hanbeck, Michael
Hancock, Benjamin
Hancock, Charles
Hancock, John
Hand, Elisabeth
Hand, Henry
Hand, John
Hand, Robert
Hankins, James
Hann, William
Hannah, Samuel
Hannah, William
Harber, Henery
Harbison, Archibald
Harcourt, John
Harden, Nehemiah
Harden(?), Barnet
Hardester, Benjamin
Hardon, Henery
Hardwick, John
Hare, John
Harndon(?), Walter
Harney(?), Hirum
Harney(?), Rolin
Harney(?), William
Harper, Charles
Harris, Samuel
Harris, Thomas
Harris, Thomas
Harris, William
Harrison, Daniel
Harrison, Daniel
Harrison, Peter
Harrod, James
Hartly(?), Thomas
Hartman, Peter
Hatcher, Samuel
Hatcher, Samuel
Hatcher, Samuel
Haughetry, Samuel(?)
Hawker, Elizabeth
Hawkin(?), Athon(?)
Hay, John
Hay, Thomas
Hays, William
Hayse, Henry
Hetistin(?), John
Headington, Able
Heathman, George
Hedanthon(?), Zebelin
Hedge, Joseph
Hedgers, John
Hedgers, Joseph
Hedlton(?), James
Hedleston, John
Heflin, William
Hege, John
Hekiry, Richard
Heldridg, John Exempt
Helms, Gloroe(?)
Helms(?), Ellis(?)
Helpman(?), John
Hemphill, Matthew
Henderson, Alexander
Henderson, James
Henderson, Samuel
Henderson, Samuel
Henderson, Samuel
Henderson, Thomas
Hendricks, Absolom
Hendrickson, Josiah
Hendrix, James
Hendrix, Peter
Hendrix(?), Jacob
Hendrix(?), Philip
Henery, William
Henry, Hugh
Henry, Jacob
Henry, James Jr
Henry, James Sr
Henry, Robert
Henry, Robert
Henry, William
Henry(?), James
Hensely, Joseph
Herbert(?), William
Herecman(?), George
Herinton, Laborn
Herson, Garrett
Hertman, Peter
Heyden, Enoch
Heyden, Web
Hibler, Samuel
Hickey, Daniel
Hicklain, Hugh
Hicklain, Thomas
Hickman, David
Hickman, John
Higgins, Joshaua
Higginson, George
Hill, Enoch
Hill, James
Hill, John
Hill, Robert
Hill, William
Hill(?), James(?)
Hiller, David
Hillia, John
Hillis, Robert
Hillis, Sampson
Hillis, Samuel (Exempt)
Hillis, William
Hindmon, John
Hindmon, Samuel
Hinds, Jacob
Hinds, John
Hinds, John
Hinds, Samuel Jr
Hinds, Samuel Sr
Hinemond, Robert
Hinkson, Thomas
Hinson, Luke
Hinton, Jarvis
Hinton, Thomas
Hinton (?) , Ruddal
Hinton(?), William
Hoggin, Solomon
Holdham, Tapley
Hollinshead, Daniel
Homes, William
Hookmond(?), John
Hopkins, David
Hopkins, Elihu
Hopkins, Ezekiel
Hopkins, Ginnethen
Hopkins, John
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopkins, Thomas
Hopkins, William
Hopper, John
Hopper, Rolly
Hornback, Abram
Hornback, Adam
Hornback, Daniel
Hornback, Isaac
Hornback, John
Hornback, Simon
Hornbeck, James
Hornbeck, Samuel
Horton, William
Hosley, James
Hosley, Matthew
House, Andrew
How, Christopher
Howard, Charles
Howard, James
Howard, William
Howse(?), James
Hudgel, John
Hudzel(?), Michael
Huffman, John
Huffman, Michael Jr
Huffman, Michael Sr
Huffman, Peter
Hughes, James
Hughes, Ralph
Hughes, William
Hulin, Johnathan
Hull, Archibald
Hume, John
Hunney(?), John
Hunt, John
Hunt, John Sr
Hunt, John Sr
Hunt, John Sr
Hunt, John Sr
Hunter, Joseph
Huse(?), Thomas
Huston, Andrew
Huston, James
Huston, John
Huston, John
Huston, Peter
Hut, James
Hutchcraft, Thomas
Hutcherson, James
Hutcherson, James
Hutcherson, Peter
Hutcherson, Peter
Hutcherson, William
Hutchison, John
Hutchison, Robert
Hutchison, William
Hutson, Thomas
Hyden, Lot
Ingles, James
Inlow, Henry
Inlows, Jesse
Ireland, Andrew
Ireland, David
Ireland, James
Ireland, John
Ireland, William
Irvin, John
Irwin, Adam
Isgregg, Daniel
Jack, Joseph
Jackson, Colbey
Jackson, Elliott
Jackson, John
Jackson, Joshua
Jackson, Joshua
Jackson, Mordeca
Jackson, Thomas
Jamison, David
Jamison, George
Jamison, George
Jamison, George
Jamison, John
Jamison, William
Janifer, John
Jans(?), John
January, Samuel
Jecoby, Frederica
Jecoby, Frederica
Jecoby, Frederica
Jecoby, Frederica
Jecoby, Frederick
Jecoby, Ralph
Jo Em, Am
Johnson, Benjamin
Johnson, Benoni
Johnson, James
Johnson, John
Johnson, William
Johnston, Daniel
Johnston, David
Johnston, Ebenezer
Johnston, James
Johnston, John
Johnston, Joseph
Johnston, Robert
Johnston, Thomas
Johnston, William
Johnston, William Jr
Johnston, William Sr
Johnston, -Al - Rd(?)
Joley, David
Jolly, James
Jones, (?)
Jones, Allin
Jones, Andrew
Jones, Charles
Iones, Giles
Jones, Jacob
Jones, James
Jones, John
Jones, John 3rd
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Joshua
Jones, Lucey
Jones, Moses
Jones, Richard
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Sullen(?)
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas Sr
Jones, William
Jonesm, P)
Ionesson(?), (?)
Jordan, Edward
Jordan, Garrard
Jordan, John
Jordon, Williams
Juett, Robert
Jump, John
Jump, William
Juvnall, David
Juvnall, John
Kanadey, Easter
Kanadey, John
Kanadey, Joseph
Kanadey, Thomas Jr
Kanadey, Thomas Sr
Keith, George
Keith, John
Kelderwood, Adam
Keller, Heirs
Keller, Heirs
Kelley, James
Kelley, William
Kellrum(?), John
Kemp, Reuben Jr
Kemp, Reuben Sr
Kenderick, Benoni
Kenderick, William
Kendil, Joseph
Kendol, John
Kennerd, Samuel
Kennett, William
Kenny, James
Kenon, Hugh
Kenon, John
Kerr, James
Kerr, William
Kile, Jacob
Kilpatrick, Joseph
Kilpatrick, Samuel
Kimbrough, John
Kimbrough, Richard
Kimbrough, Samuel
Kimbrough, William
Kincade, Andrew
Kincade, Archabal
Kincade, David
Kincaid, Andrew Capt
Kincaid, Andrew Sr
Kincaid, Joseph
King, Robert
Kiplinger, Phillip
Kirk, Vincent
Kirkindol, Henry
Kirkparterick, Elijah
Kirkparterick, Elizabeth
Kirkparterick, John
Kirkparterick, Joseph
Kirkparterick, Thomas
Kiser, Jacob
Kisler, Peter
Kizer, John
Knox, David
Knox, John
Lacey, William
Lad, Daniel
Laffoone, James
Lail, Margrett
Laithorn, John
Lamb, Elisabeth
Lamb, George
Lamb, James
Lamb, James
Landon, Charles
Landon, Henry
Langaneker(?), Peter
Lapkey(?), Nathaniel
Larrimore, Hugh
Lary, Ann
Laslong(?), Robert
Laurance, Ephraim
Law, Alias
Lawless, John
Layson, John
Leach, Jeremiah
Leach, Mary
Leare, David
Leare, Denis Jr
Leare, Denis Sr
Leare, Jacob
Ledford, Philadelpha
Leeper, James
Leeper(?), John
Lego(?), George
Lemester, Isaac
Lewis, John Sr
Lilley, Joshua
Lilley, Thomas Jr
Lilley, Thomas Exempt
Lindsey, George
Line (?) , John
Linom, Denis
Linom, Joseph
Linvell, Morgan
Lips, Jacob
Litort, Henry Jr
Litort, Henry Sr
Litort, John Jr
Litort, John Sr
Litton, Caleb
Litton, John
Litton, Michael
Logan, James
Logan, William
Lohr, Christian
Long, Jonathan
Longmore, Hugh
Lookaload(?), Larrance
Lotort, Lewis
Loughlin, William
Love, John
Lovel, John
Lovel, Peter
Lovellett(?), John
Low(?), Charles
Lowe, Adam
Lowe, Isaac
Loy, George
Lusky, Joseph
Lusky, Robert
Lyon, Booker
Lyon, Humphrey
Lyon, John
Lyon, Samuel
Mack, William
Maddox, John
Maddox, Thomas
Maffett(?), John
Magner, John
Mahan, Agness
Mahan, Thomas
Maikem, James(?)
Mainy, Robert
Mallory, William
Man(?) George
Man(?), John
Manson, Peter Calltreas
Mark, William
Markham, William
Marque(?), Henry
Marrs, Samuel
Marrs, William
Marshal, Archabel
Marshal, David
Marshal, Lewis
Marshall, Ralph
Martin, Alexander
Martin, David
Martin, George
Martin, Jacob
Martin, John
Martin, Robert
Martin, Samuel
Martin, William
Martin(?), John
Mase, John
Massey, Benjamin
Masten, William
Masterson, Caleb
Mathers, Thomas
Mathers, William
Matlock, Samuel
Matson, James
Matthews, John
Mattison, George
Mauzy, William
Maxell, George
Maxell, Richard
Maxell, William Jr
Maxell, William Sr
Maxwell, Thomas
McAdoo, Samuel
McAfasson, Robert
McAferson, Alexander
McAntire, James
McAnuly, Joseph
McArthur, James
McCaffety, John
McCan - (?), Margrett
McCann, Agulss(?)
McCann, John
McCartey, John
McCarty, David
McCarty, Samuel
McCarty(?), Vallance
McCaslan, Mark
McClanahan, Robert
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas Jr
McClanahan, Thomas Sr
McClanahan, Thomas Sr
McClay, Daniel
McClelland, Frances
McClelland, James
McClelland, John
McClelland, John Jr
McClelland, William
McClelland, William Jr
McClenahan, Roger
McClintick, James
McClintick, William
McClintock, James
McClintock, Joseph
McClintock, William
McClure, James
McClure, John
McClure, Josiah
McClure, Josiah
McClure, Rebeca
McClure, Samuel
McClure, Samuel
McClure, William
McColl(?), William(?)
McCollister, Collister
McCollister(?), John
McConnel, James
McConnel, Martha
McConnel, Samuel
McConnell, William
McCorkle, Joseph
McCormack, Frances
McCormick, John
McCorrey(?), Samuel
McCorry, John
McCoughlin, George
McCoule(?), John
McCoule(?), John
McCowin, George
McCowin, Joseph
McCoy, John
McCracken, Hugh
McCracken, John
McCray, Samuel Jr
McCray, Samuel Sr (exem
McCray, Shaphat
McCreny, John
McCrery, Andrew
McCrery, James
McCrery, William
McCroskey, Andrew
McCune, Robert
McCune, William
McDance, william
McDanel, Alexander
McDanel, Enos
McDanel, Francis
McDanel, James
McDanel, James
McDanel, James
McDanel, John
McDanel, Robert
McDanel, Rowland
McDaniel, John
McDaniel, Mordeca
McDole, Joshua
McDole, William
McDowell, John
McDowell, Josiah
McDowell, Thomas
McElwane, Samuel
McEnahan(?), Robert
McGill, Alexander
McGinnis, John
McGraw(?), Robert
McIntier, John
McIntire, Andrew
McIntire, Robert
McKay, Hugh
McKay, Joseph
McKay, Martin
McKay, Mary
McKay, Thomas
McKebry, John
McKee, Hugh
McKee, James
McKenney, John
McKenney, John
McKenney, John
McKenney, John
McKenney, John
McKenney, John
McKeterick, Anthoney
McKillen, Hays
McKillen, Robert
McKinney, Alexander
McKinsey, John
McKinsey, William
McLoney(?), John
McLoughlin, James
McLoughlin, Thomas
McMeans, John
McMillen, Alexander
McMullin, Robert
McMurtery, William
McMurtery, William
McNab, Andrew
McNairy, Charles
McNairy, James
McNay, Joseph
McNay(?), John
McNeale, John
McNeale, Joseph
McPherson, Adam
McQueen, Alexander
McRancel, Frances
Mcff(?), Richard
Mckirk(?), James
Mcay(?), James
Mealey, Daniel
Meeker, Abner
Mehaing, John
Meins, William
Meloney, Christopher
Merel, Joseph Jr
Merryman, John
Metcalfe, John
Metcalfe, John
Methaing, Daniel
Methenar, John
Metts, Elisabeth
Mickrel, Jacob
Mikel, Robert
Miller, Abram
Miller, Adam
Miller, George
Miller, Henry
Miller, James
Miller, John
Miller, Nicholas
Miller, R Abraham
Miller, Stephen
Miller, Stephen
Miller, Thomas
Miller, William
Millholen, Pattrick
Milliken, Samuel
Mills, Benjamin
Mills, James
Minor, Isaac
Mitchel, Alexander
Mitchel, David
Mitchel, Gairn(?)
Mitchel, J William
Mitchel, James
Mitchel, John
Mitchel, Thomas
Mitchel, William
Mitchel, William
Mitchell, Elijah
Mitchell, Isaac
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitchell, Moses
Mitchell, Moses
Mitchell, Samuel
Mock, Jacob
Mock, Rudolph
Mol-Y (?) James
Moncreft, Maxa
Mooney, John
Moor, Christian
Moore, Anthoney
Moore, Fergus
Moore, Mc.
Moore, Phillip
Moore, Tobious
More, John
More, Jurnton (?)
Morehead, Samuel
Morgan, Rees
Morgin, John
Morin, Edward
Morin, John
Morin, John
Morin, John
Morin, Mary
Morin, Rodham
Morin, Heirs
Morin(?), John
Morison, Hugh
Morris, Jacob
Morris, James
Morris, Martha
Morris, Mod
Morris, William
Morrison, Samuel
Morrow, Andrew
Morrow, Samuel
Morrow, Samuel
Morrow, William
Mors, Thomas
Morton, B Robert
Mosland, Frederick
Mosley, Abram
Mosley, Jacob
Moss, Thomas
Motchel, Peckle(?)
Mothershead, Mary
Mountjoy, Edmond
Mountjoy, George
Mountjoy, John
Mul(?), David
Mullin, Charles
Mullin, James
Mure, Samuel
Murfee(?), G Washington
Murfey, William
Murry, Thomas
Musgrove, John
Musick, Jehoida
Mysers, George
Nancarrow, John
Neal, James
Neal, Thomas
Neale, Ben S/O Joe
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, John
Neale, Thomas Heirs
Neale, Thomas Heirs
Neale, William
Neasbit, M John
Neasbit, Nathaniel
Neasbit, Phedrick
Neasbit, Robert
Neasbit, Samuel
Neasbit, Thomas
Neasbit, William
Neely, Matthew
Nelin, Charles
Nellis, William
Nevert M , John
Nevins, John Exempt
Newton, Thomas
Nickerson, J Isaac
Nolin, Paul
Nolly, John
Norman, Charles
Normon, Ezekel
Normon, Reuben
Northcut, George
Northcut, Jeremiah
Northcut, John
Norton, James
Norton, John
Norwood, James
Nunn, Ilai
Oneale, Henry
0m, John
Odan, James
Odey(?), Joseph
Odgen, Francis
Ogdon, Masterson(?)
Ogle, Alexander
Oleney(?), John
Orchard, Isaac
Orr, William
Orsburn, Stephen
Orton, Edward
Osburn, James
Osburn, William
Owens, Joshua
Owens, Rachel
Palmore, Icane
Pamsiston, George
Pannell, David
Pannell, William
Parish, Henery
Parish, Nathaniel
Parish, Nimrod
Parish, William
Parker, William
Parks, James
Parks, James Sr
Parris, Moses
Parris, William
Parrish, John
Parrish, Joshaua
Parsell, Richard
Parvin, Henry
Parvin, Thomas
Paterson, George
Path(?), William
Paton, Stephen
Patten, John
Patten, Joseph
Patten, Matthew
Patten, Thomas
Patten, William
Patton, John
Paury, Jesse
Payne, Margrett
Payne, Reuben
Payne, William
Payton, James
Payton, Lannice(?)
Pearson, Shaderick
Peebles, John
Peeke, Joseph
Penday, Isaac
Pendleton, Phill
Pendleton, Phill
Pendleton, Phill
Penn, Benjamin
Penn, Joseph
Percy, Jacob
Perkins, Andrew
Perkins, Elisha
Perren, William
Perry, George
Pertel, George
Pertel, John
Perter, James
Petro, Philip
Petterjon, James
Pettey, Abenezer
Pettey, Joseph
Pettijohn, Jacob
Petty, Ralph
Phelps, John
Phillips, Elijah
Phillips, Morris
Phillips, William
Pickett, Martin
Pig, John
Pilson, Robert
Piper, Rliezer
Piper, William
Plolock(?), James
Plue, Elias
Plue, Jeremiah
Plue, Philip
Plunkett, Joshua
Pollard, William
Pollock, John
Pollock, Robert
Popejoy, John
Popejoy, Larrane
Porter, Andrew
Porter, John
Porter, Joseph
Porter, Robert(?)
Porter, Thomas
Poston, Elijah
Poston, John
Poston, Samuel
Pots, William
Powell, Abram
Powell, Abram
Powell, Micajah
Prentice, Nathaniel
Price, Christopher
Price, John
Price, William
Priest, Jeremiah
Priest, Rodham
Pugh, Joseph
Pulley, Jedediah
Pullum, Gedion Jr
Pullum, Gedion Sr
Punting, George
Pursell, William
Purviance, David
Purviance, David Tax Man
Purviance, John
Purviance, John Jr
Pury (?) Robert
Puttey, Christopher
Qualey, Patrick
Quit, James
Ragan, Nathaniel
Raiderbus, L Daniel
Raiges(?), John
Ramley, John
Ramsey, William
Randalp, Richard
Rankin, Reuben
Rankins, John
Rannells, Samuel
Rannels, Anthony
Rannels, James
Rannels, John
Ratliff, Benjamin
Ratliff, Benjamin
Ravenscraft, Thomas
Ray, Frances
Readman, Ann
Redman, Thomas
Reed, Andrew
Reed, William
Reede, George
Reede, John
Reede, S John
Reeder, Thomas Heirs
Reeder, Thomas Heirs
Reid, James
Renicks, George
Reno, Zely
Retter, Michael
Reveal, Joseph
Rhos, Clement
Rice, Daniel
Rice, Simon
Rich, Isaiah
Rich, Mary
Rich, Robert
Rich, Samuel
Riche, Ann
Richey, Gilbert
Richey, Isaac
Richey, Robert
Richie, Daird
Rickets, Archibald
Rickets, Charity
Riddle, Thomas
Ridnor, John
Riffle, Elinor
Rifle, John
Right, John
Riley, James
Riley, Leven
Riley, Thomas
Ritcherson, Archabal
Ritcherson, John
Roach, William
Robb, Joseph
Robbenett, Joseph
Robbenett, Samuel
Roberts, Edward
Roberts, Elijah
Roberts, Henly
Roberts, Hezekiah
Roberts, John
Roberts, John
Roberts, Minor
Roberts, Neely
Roberts, William
Robinson, Daniel
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, James
Robinson, John
Robinson, Midleton
Robinson, Nathan
Robinson, Robert
Robinson, Zachariah
Robison, Alexander
Robison, James
Robison, Margaret
Robnett, Enoch
Robnett, John
Roborn, Robert
Rodney, Martin
Rogers, Andrew
Rogers, Benjamin
Rogers, Hamilton Jr
Rogers, Hamilton Sr
Rogers, James
Rogers, Joseph
Rogers, Thomas
Rogers, Turner
Rogers, William
Roland, John
Roland, Robert
Rollins, Joshua
Rolph, H - On(?)
Rolston, Henry
Roney, Archable
Roney, Barkel(?)
Ros, James
Ross, Richard
Ross, Samuel
Ross, William
Rought, John Jr
Rought, John Sr
Rought, William
Row, John
Row, Nathaniel
Ruby(?), John
Ruddle, Conelous
Ruddle, Isaac
Ruddle, James
Ruddle, William
Rule, Andrew
Rule, Hirim
Rule, John
Rule, Samuel
Rule, Sarah
Rule, Thomas
Russel, George
Rutherford, John
Rutledg, Peter
Ryce, George
Ryce, Randol
Ryley, John
S_Eet(?), Peter
Sacket, Cyrus
Saddle, John
Saddler, Jesse
Salts(?), Edward
Sample, James
Sanders, James
Sanderson, James
Sanderson, John
Sanford, Richard
Sanford, Thomas
Sanford, Thomas Agent
Saxton, Joseph
Sconce, James
Sconce, Robert
Sconce, Samuel
Sconce, William
Sconts(?), Jacob
Scott, Alexander
Scott, David
Scott, Elijahn
Scott, Elisha
Scott, Elisha
Scott, Gabril
Scott, George
Scott, James
Scott, James Sr
Scott, John
Scott, Levi
Scott, Nelly
Scott, Patrick
Scott, Robert
Scott, William
Scrogin, John
Scrogin, Samuel
Scuder, Methias
See, Jacob
See, Jacob
See, Jacob
See, Jacob
Seerer(?), Samuel
Seeright, William
Selby, Isaac
Self, Vincent
Sellers, Henry
Sellers, Joseph
Sellers, Nathan
Server, Peter
Shackelford, Reuben
Shackelford, William
Shanklin, John
Shanks, Michael
Shannon, James
Shannon, Thomas
Shanton, Abram
Sharman, Shaderick
Sharp, George
Sharrow, Christian
Sharrow, Peter
Shaver, Peter
Shaw, Henry
Shaw, John
Shaw, Samuel
Shaw, Thomas
Shawhan, John
Shawhan, Margrett
Shields, William
Ship, Jalum
Ship, Jalum
Ship, Jalum
Ship, Jalum(?)
Shoemaker, Benjamin
Shoemaker, James
Shoemaker, Lakey
Sholders, Samuel
Shook, William
Shortridg, George Jr
Shortridge, George Sr
Shraider, Coonrod
Shropshier, Abner
Shropshier, Benjamin
Shropshier, Edward
Shropshier, John
Shropshier, Walter
Shules, Tobious
Shull, Thomas
Shutts, Peter
Sidner, Conrod
Sidner, Henry
Sidner, Phillip (Exempt
Sidwell, Elijah
Sidwell, Hugh
Simmons, John
Simpson, James
Simpson, Jeremiah
Simpson, Levey
Simpson, Richard
Sineser(?), George
Sinnard, John
Sites, John
Skidmore, Samuel
Slaigh, John
Slone(?), John
Smalley, Joshua
Smart, James
Smart, Joseph
Smart, Richard
Smedley, Aaron
Smelser, Barbery
Smelser, Barbery
Smelser, Peter
Smeltser, Adam
Smith, Charlesjr
Smith, Charlesjr
Smith, Charlessr
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles
Smith, Hawkins
Smith, Isaac
Smith, James
Smith, James Jr
Smith, James Sr
Smith, Jesse
Smith, John
Smith, Leven
Smith, Robert
Smith, Tarrance
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smoot, Barton
Smoot, Claborn
Smyser, Jacob
Smyser, Philip
Snap, George
Snap, Peter
Sneed, John
Snell, Charles
Snoddy, John
Snoddy, Samuel
Snodgrass, Robert
Sodousky, James
Sommers, Daniel
Soneth(?), Mikle
Sotridge, John
Sotridge, Samuel
South, Zed'h
South, Zed'h
Spark, Joseph
Sparkes, William
Sparks, George
Sparks, James
Sparks, John
Sparks, Michael
Sparks, William
Speares, Christian
Speares, Jacob
Speares, Jacob
Spekes, Hezekiah
Spenel, William
Spenser, James
Spenser, Jeane
Spenser, Thomas (Exempt)
Spenser, William
Spicer, Roger
Spillman, James
Spurgin, George
Spurgin, James
Spurgin, William
Spurgin, Zephaniah
Srygler, Joseph
Stamps, William
Stamps, William Agent
Starke, James
Starks, John
Starks, Thomas
Steel, Hugh
Steel, James
Steel, Joseph
Steel, Joseph Sr
Steel, W John
Steel, William
Steel, William
Stephenson, Thomas
Stevens, Benjamin
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, William
Stevens, William Jr
Stevens, William. Sr
Stevenson, James
Stevenson, John (Exempt)
Stevenson, Mark
Stevenson, Thomas
Stevenson, William
Stevins, Lewis
Stewart, Arther &
Stewart, David
Stewart, Elisha
Stewart, James
Stewart, John
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart, Mathew
Stewart, Richard
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, Thomas
Stewart, William
Stinson, Alaxander
Stip, Abram.
Stip, Michael
Stites, Samuel
Stites, William
Stitt, Hugh
Stoker, Edward
Stoker, John
Stonesifer, Ephraim
Stoops(?), Philip
Stot, Adam
Straney(?), Nicholas
Stratton, Seriah
Strode, James
Strother, French
Strother, Thomas
Strother, Thomas
Stroup, Jacob
Stump, David
Stump, Frederick
Sugin, James
Sumit, Christian
Sumit, George
Summers, John
Superl(?), Nicholas
Sutton, James
Sutton, Nathaniel
Swaney, Jane
Swaringen, Andrew
Swaringen, Joseph
Swiney, Daniel
Swiney, James
Swiney, James
Swiney, John
Talbott, Demovel(?)
Talbott, John
Tanry(?), Ruben
Tarr, Frederick
Taylor, Mathew
Taylor, Samuel
Teegle(?), James
Terel, Jeremiah
Terrell, Robert
Teuning, Robert
Thatcher, John
Thomas, Eli
Thomas, James Jr
Thomas, James Exempt
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, Moses
Thomas, Moses
Thomas, Peggy
Thomas, Poward
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, William.
Thompson, A Thomas
Thompson, James
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, William
Thomson, Elijah
Thomson, James
Thornley, Epa
Thornton, Coats
Thornton, Thomas
Thraickel, Peter
Tillett, John Jr
Tillett, John Sr
Timberlake, Oba
Timberlake, Richard
Tinsly, Ambrose
Tinsly, James
Tittle, James
Todd, Andrew
Todd, Jeane
Todd, John Jr
Todd, John Sr
Tolbert, Hugh
Tolifro, Richard
Tomlison, Samuel
Tommason, John
Tompson, James
Tompson, Joseph
Tompson, William
Tomsson, Henery
Tore(?), Charles(?)
Tousdail, John
Townly, Joshaua
Trabue, James
Trabue, James
Trigg, Thomas
Trimble, George
Trimble, Isaac
Trimble, James
Trimble, Robert Jr
Trimble, Robert Sr
Trimble, Walter
Trimble, William,
Trotter, James
Trotter, Joseph
Trotter, Joseph
Trows Ail(?), William.
Trumbo, Andrew
Trumbo, Andrew
Trumbo, George
Tucker, Alaxander
Tucker, John
Tucker, Lenord
Tucker, William.
Tull, John
Tunney, Daniel
Turly, Christopher
Turly, John
Turner, James
Turner, Solomon
Turner, William
Turner(?), Jesse
Turner(?), William
Tutt, Robert
Tutt, William.
Tyson, Macklin
Umble, Hannah
Umble, Noah
Umble, Uriah
Underwood, Frances
Vandergraft, Samuel
Vangordon, Zaph'h
Vanlandingham, James
Vanmeter, Peter
Vannenton(?), Tardemond
Vardeman, Peter
Varner, Adam
Varner, Jacob
Varner, John
Vasher, James
Vaughan, Thomas
Vicrest(?), Francis
Victor, Peter Of Febry
Vincent, John
Vinneton, John
Virt, Jacob
Vollentine(?), John
Vuton(?), William
Wley(?), James
Waddle, James
Wadle, James
Waggoner, Christian
Waggoner, John
Waights, Richard
Walker, Joseph
Walker, Samuel
Walker, William
Wallis, John
Wallis, Stephen
Walton, John
Ward, Benjamin
Ward, James
Ware, Tompson
Warren, William
Washburn, Benjamin
Washburn, Delancy
Washburn, Elias
Wasson, Charles
Wasson, James
Waters, John
Waters, Thomas
Wats, Thomas
Watson, John
Watts, John
Watts, William.
Waugh, Jacob
Waugh, Samuel
Weaklan, Boles
Weaklan, Mary
Web, Ann
Web, Charles
Webb, William E
Webster, James
Weekwire(?), Alphaus
Weever, George
Welch, Michael
Wells, Bazll
Wells, Benjamin
Wells, Dorety
Wells, Edward
Wells, Francis
Wells, James
Wells, John
Wells, Richard
Wells, Thomas
Wells, William
West, Rachel
West, Simeon
West, Thomas
Westfall, James
Whaley, Edward
Wheaton, Uriah
Whelty, Jacob
Whelty, John
Whelty(?), Marey
Whely, David
Whely, Marey
Whisner, Jacob
White, Henry
White, John
White, Marfield
White, Timothy
White, Walter
Whiteaker, John
Whiteaker, Thomas
Whitledg, Robert
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, William
Whitledge, Heirs
Whitledge, Heirs
Whitledge, Heirs
Wiggenton, Henry
Wilcut, David
Wiley, John
Wilkerson, James
Williams, Basel
Teker, Henery
Tesides Josenh
Williams, Benjamin
Williams, Charles
Williams, James
Williams, Jerom
Williams, Jesse
Williams, John
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Nathaniel
Williams, Rees
Williams, Roger
Williams, Roger
Williams, Samuel
Williams, Septimus
Williams, William
Willis, Henry
Willis, Joseph
Willmouth, John
Willson, Benjamin
Willson, Charles
Willson, Hugh
Wilmott, Robert
Wilmott, Robert Agent
Wilmott, Thomas
Wilson, Alaxander
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, David
Wilson, Ed'd
Wilson, Ed'd
Wilson, Ephram
Wilson, George
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jeremiah
Wilson, John
Wilson, Margrett
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Samuel
Wilson, Samuel Sr
Wilson, William
Wilson, William
Wolf, Jacob
Wolrey(?), Peter
Wood, John
Wood, Samuel
Woods, Samuels John
Woodward, Barclet
Woodward, Chesley Jr
Woodward, John
Wooldridg, Flemon
Wooldridge, William
Woolf, Christopher
Woolsey, John
Worson(?), Benjamin
Wright, Alexander
Wright, Isiell
Wright, James
Wright, John
Wright, Margret
Wright, Robert
Wright, Samuel
Wright, Thomas
Wright, William
Yaetes, Coonrod
Yaiky, John
Yates, John
Yearbey, Hockey
Yeats, Michael
Yelton, John
Yetton, Charles
Young, Jacob
Young, James
Young, Parterick
Zinn, John
Zumault, Andrew
Zumault, Henry