
Year of Tax Collection: 1795

(?), James(?)
Ackin, James
Acrey(?), Joseph
Adams, Joseph
Adams, Ralph
Adare, James
Adier, William
Adkins, John
Aikman, James
Alet(?), Robert
Alexander, Aron
Alexander, David
Alexander, James
Alexander, John
Alexander, Rowland
Alkire, Adam
Alkire, John
Alkire, John
Alkire, William
Allen, Robert
Allin, John
Allin, John
Allin, John Exempt
Allin, Maret
Allin, Robert
Allin, William
Allintharp, William
Allison, John
Allpin, Zebulon
Alpin, Zebulon
Amos, Nicklus
Amos, Thomas
Amoz, Nicholas
Anderson, George
Anderson, James
Anderson, John
Anderson, Nathaniel
Anderson, Reuben
Anderson, Thomas
Anderson, William
Anderson, William.
Anderson, William Agent
Angus, ----
Arasmith, Richard
Arasmith, Thomas
Archer, John
Ardery, James
Ardery, John
Armstrong, Alexander
Armstrong, James
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, Robert
Arnold, Nicholas
Arnold, Thomas
Artman, Jacob
Artman, John
Ashbrook, Aaron
Ashbrook, Felix
Ashbrook, Thomas
Ashcraft, Efrum
Ashnest(?), Josiah
Askins, George
Atcheson, Silas
Atchison, Cylas
Atchison, William
Atkins, Joseph
Awmiller, Conrod
Eadders(?), Moses
Baker, Adam
Baker, Benjamin
Baker, Frederick
Baker, Isaac
Baker, Marlin Sr
Baker, Martin
Baker, Samuel
Baker, Thomas
Baker, William
Balen(?), James
Balis, Charles
Balkome, Henery
Ballard, William
Ballard, William
Ballentine, Robert
Banta, Albert
Banta, Henry
Bar, David
Bar, Hugh
Barber, James
Bardon, Samuel
Barker, Henry
Barker, William
Barlow, John
Barlow, Tomkins
Barlow, William
Barnes, David
Barnes, Thomas
Barnes, William Jr
Barnes, William Sr
Barnes, Zachariah
Barnet, John
Barnett, Alexander
Barnett, Alexander
Barnett, Alexander
Barnett, Alexander
Barnett, John
Barnett, M James
Barnett, Richard
Barny, John
Bartlett, William
Barton, Andrew
Barton, Joshaua
Barton, Stephen
Basdail, Rubin
Basey, Elerman
Basey(?), George
Basket, Jesse
Batey(?), F Thomas
Batson, Mordeca
Baty, John
Bay, Hugh
Bayley, Salley
Beal, _____
Bean, John
Beard, Joseph
Beaty, John
Beckett, Joseph
Beckett, Robert
Becraft, Benjamin
Becraft, James
Bedford, Archer
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, Benjamin
Bedford, John
Bedford, Littleberry
Bedford, Thomas
Bedford, Thomas
Bedford, Thomas
Bedford, Thomas
Bedford, Thomas
Been, James
Beeth, George
Beeth, James
Beeth, John
Beggs, John
Beldon, John
Bell, Archebald
Bell, Archebald
Bell, Archebald
Bell, David
Bell, James
Bell, John
Bell, Mary
Bell, Robert
Bell, William
Belt, Higgerson
Bemis, Benjamin
Benifield, Samuel
Benifield, William
Bennington, John
Bennington, Nehemiah
Benson, James
Benson, William
Bernow, George
Berry, Barwell
Berry, Benjamin
Bersey (?) Robert
Besco, Thomas
Beshares, Judson
Besharrow, John (Exempt)
Bexter, Edward
Biddle, Richard
Biggard, John
Bishong, John
Bittle, George
Black, Alexander
Black, James Jr
Black, James Sr
Black, John
Black, Richard
Black, Samuel
Black, William
Blackborn, James
Blackney, John
Blair, Alexander
Blair, Benjamin
Blair, John
Blair, Thomas
Blair, William
Blair, William
Blair(?), William
Blare, George
Blare, James
Bloom, Peter
Blow, John
Blunt, Abigail
Blunt, Andrew
Blunt, Cyrus
Blunt, Redding
Boalman, Alias
Boalman, William
Boas, Henry
Boggs, William
Boles, John
Bomrey, George
Bond, William
Bone, John
Bone, Robert
Boner, Jacob
Bonum, Amariah
Boon, Ovid
Boucy, John
Bough, Nicholas
Bougher, Jacob
Bowen, Felty
Bowin, John
Bowlin, Thomas
Bowls, David
Bowls, Jesse
Bowman, Abram
Boyd, John
Boyd, Lary
Boyd, Thomas (Exempt)
Brackineridge, Alexander
Brackineridge, George
Brackineridge, John
Brackinridg, James
Braday, William
Bradley, Edward
Bradley, Joseph
Brand, John
Brandon, Carnes
Brann, Joseph
Brass, Thomas
Brent, Hugh Jr
Brice, Samuel
Brimberry, John
Brimberry, Joseph
Brimberry, Matthias
Brinegar, John
Bristow, Archer
Bristow, Gideon
Bristow, James Jr
Bristow, James Sr
Britainham, German
Bros(?), William
Brothers, Thomas
Browm, James
Brown, Alexander Jr
Brown, Alexander Sr
Brown, David
Brown, Dickson
Brown, Elexander
Brown, George
Brown, Ignatious
Brown, James
Brown, James
Brown, James Agent
Brown, John
Brown, Mary
Brown, Rachel
Brown, Thomas
Browning, Francis
Browning, Reuben
Browning, William
Bruf F (?) Thomas
Bruice, John
Brumley, John
Bruoin, James
Bryan, Andrew
Bryan, William
Bryant, Bartolomew
Buchannon, Joseph
Bullingham, G
Bumgarner, George
Bunten, J James
Burch, Joseph
Burcheyfied, Nancey
Burden, James
Burden, John
Burger, John Jr
Burger, John Sr
Burk, Elizabeth
Burk, James
Burk, Robert
Burne(?), John
Burnes, Andrew
Burnes, Garret
Burnes, George
Burnes, John
Burris, Henry
Burrus(?), Henry
Bursby, Matthew
Burton, Charles
Buskirk, Lewis Sr
Butcher, John
Butler, Dory
Butler, William
Byrd, Abreham.
Byrd, John
Byrim, Edward
Byrim, Lewis
Bysers, David
Bysers, Jacob
Bysers, James
Bysers, Philip
Bysers, Stuffle
Cabiniss, John
Cain, Edmond
Cain, Edmund
Cain, James
Cain, Thomas
Call, Daniel
Call, David
Call, Samuel
Callis, Francis
Callis, Francis Agent
Callon, Freasurer(?)
Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, Frances
Campbell, George
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, James
Campbell, John
Campbell, Mary
Campbell, Robert
Campbell, William.
Campbell, William Jr
Cannon, Luke
Carall(?), Bartholowmew
Carder, Sandford
Carington, Timothy
Carington, William
Carington, William.
Carpender, John
Carpenter, Conrod
Carr, Henry
Carr, James
Carr, William
Carrell, Samuel
Cart, Joseph
Casaday, David
Case, Joseph
Casey, Joseph Exempt
Castledine, John
Cauchey, John
Cavender, John
Celley, Abreham
Chain, John
Chambers, Cylas
Chambers, John
Chamblin, George
Champ, Robert
Champ, Thomas
Chancey, William
Chaney, Edmond
Chaney, Samuel
Chapman, Drapir
Chin, Thomas
Chin, Thomas
Chinn, Chichester
Clancey, James
Clark, George
Clark, James
Clark, Robert
Clark, Robert
Clark, Robert
Clark, Thomas
Clark, William
Clarke, Buktole (?)
Clarkson, Ancelm
Clarkson, David
Clarkson, John
Clarkson, Juhas
Clarkson, William
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry
Clayton, Samuel
Clement, Benjamin Jr
Clement, Benjamin Sr
Clendenning, John
Clendenning, Robert
Clendenning, Thomas
Clevenger, James
Cline, Conrod
Cline, Peter
Clinkenbeard, Isaac
Clinkingbard, Isaac
Clinkingbard, Isaac
Clyser, Joseph
Co(?), Ben
Co(?), Lunrod Jacob
Cos_Urn, William.
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Cockey Owens, John
Coffer, George
Cofman, Ab'm
Cogswell, Joseph
Cogswell, Joseph
Cokron, Andrew
Cokron, Samuel
Coldwell, James
Coldwell, Robert
Coldwell, Samuel
Coldwell, William
Cole, James
Colliar, John
Colliar, William.
Collins, John
Collins, Robert
Colvil, Charles
Colvil, Joseph
Colvin, Charles
Colvin, Joseph
Colwell, Alexandir
Colwell, David
Colwell, Robert
Colwell, William
Colwell, William Sr
Colyer, Daniel
Colyer, Joseph
Colyer, Mary
Conchman, Benedick
Conchman, Benjamin
Congleton, James
Congleton, John
Congleton, William Jr
Congleton, William Sr
Conley, Martha
Conn, John
Conn, Notley
Conn, Notley
Conn, Thomas
Conn, Thomas Jr
Conn, Thomas Sr
Connaon, Newble
Connaway, William
Connelly, Francis
Connelly, John
Conner, William
Conthwait, Robert
Conway, John
Conway, John (Exempt)
Conway, Samuel
Conyers, Isaac
Conyers, Isaac
Cook, John Jr
Cooks, John
Coone, George
Coppidge, John
Corbin, William
Corethers, Thomas
Cormack, John Shin(?)
Corothers, William
Corwin, Icabod
Cottaten(?), Stephen
Cotten, John
Cottrell, Thomas
Couchman, Melchiah
Coulson, John
Counts, Jacob
Couril(?), Peter
Covooth(?), Walter
Cowan, Hugh
Cowin, Isaac
Cowin, William
Cowin, William Sr
Cox, John
Cox, Michael
Craby, Enoch
Crafford, George
Crafford, Samuel
Craford, Noble
Craften, Henery
Craig, Alexander
Craig, John
Craig, William
Crawford, William
Crimpeck, George
Crissenbury, Ann
Crissenbury, John
Crissenbury, William
Crocket, James
Crocket, William
Crockett, James
Crockett, John
Crockett, Robert
Crose, Michael
Crouch, David
Crouch, John
Crouch, Johnathan
Crouch, Joseph
Crow, John
Cumming, John
Cummins, Jacob
Cummins, James
Cummins, John Jr
Cummins, John Sr
Cummins, Joseph
Cunnagin, Robert
Curent, Thomas
Curey, James
Curey, James
Curry, John
Curry, Joseph
Curtright, Peter
Curtright, Richard
Curtright, Samuel
Custerd, Cunrod
Cutright, Peter
Dallas, Joseph
Dark, Jane
Darke, Jane
Darlin, Lambert
Darnold, Archer
Darnold, Smith
Darnold, Thomas
Daugherty, John
Daughety, John
Davidson, Edward
Davinson, James
Davis, Gared
Davis, James
Davis, John
Davis, Lanzach(?)
Davis, Lemach
Davis, Levie
Davis, Reason
Davis, Stepen
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Thomas Sr
Davis, William
Davis, William
Davis(?), John
Davison, John
Davison, Robert
Davison, William
Dawson, Henry
Dawson, Isaac
Dawson, John
Dawson, Samuel
Dawson, Samuel J
Dawson, Thomas
Dax, Frederick
Day, John
Day, Midleton
Day, Robert
Day, Trewman
Daysey, Roads
Dazel, Thomas
Decker, Samuel
Delay, Henery
Delay, John
Dels, Abraham
Demit, Richard
Dennison, James
Dennison, Thomas
Dewd, Henery
Dewley, Thomas Agent
Dickey, David
Dickey, John
Dikes, William
Dillen, Samuel
Dillener, George
Dinsmore, Henry
Dinsmore, John
Dinsmore, Robert
Dinsmore, Samuel
Dirling, Thadews
Dixon, Josiah
Dixon, Josiah
Dixon, Thomas
Dobbes-Ky(?), Philip
Doke, James
Donelson, John
Donnel, Samuel
Donnelson, John
Dougherty, John
Douglas, William
Douglass, Samuel
Dowden, James
Dowel(?), William
Drummen, James
Duffile, Abraham
Duffile, Robert
Duffile, Thomas
Duffin, Hugh
Duke, Matthew
Dunbar, William
Duncan, Daniel
Duncan, James
Duncan, John
Duncan, Joseph
Duncan, Joseph Agent
Duncan, Joseph Agent
Duncan, Joseph Agent
Dunn, Andrew
Dunn, Thomas
Dunnagin, David
Dunwiddie, William
Durlin, Daniel
Dusion, Joseph
Dyal, Edward
Eades, Thomas
Earle, John
Earliwine, Daniel
Earliwine, George
Early, William
Eastin, Archilles
Eastin, Augustin Agent
Eberman, Jacob
Eberman, Jacob
Eberman, Michael
Eberman, Michael
Eberman, Samuel
Eberman, William
Eberman, William
Edes, John
Edmison, David
Edmundson, Robert
Edmundson, William
Edwards, Anian
Edwards, Benjamin
Edwards, Benjamin
Edwards, George
Edwards, George Agent
Edwards, George Agent X2
Edwards, Haden
Edwards, John Jr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr
Edwards, John Sr Agent
Edwards, John Agent
Edwards, John Agent
Edwards, Peter
Egnew, Isaac
Egnew, James
Eles, Philip
Elgin, Samuel
Elliott, William
Ellis, Jerriel
Ellis, Jerriel
Ellis, Joseph
Emmitt, James
Ervin, John
Ervin, William
Erving, John
Erwin, William
Esley, Francee
Esley, John
Esley, Marget
Estin, Austin
Evans, Amos
Evans, Hugh
Evans, Jacob
Evans, Michael
Evans, Samuel
Evins, Utot
Ewault, Henry
Ewault, Henry Agent
Ewing, Charles
Ewing, Elizebeath
Ewing, James
Fagin, James
Fansher, Margarett
Fauchee, Margaret
Faulger, John
Feback, Fredrick
Fegin, Ann
Fegins, William
Ferguson, James
Fernes, Hugh
Feugate, Edward
Fible, Fredrick
Field, Joseph
Field, Renbers(?)
Fields, Benjamin
Fields, John
Fields, Larkin
Fight, Cutlis
Fight, Jacob
Fight, John
Filps, John
Finch, William
Finley, George
Finley, John
Finley, Robert
Fishback, George
Fishback, Josiah
Fisher, Fendol
Fisher, James
Fisher, Mary
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Moses
Fisher, Solomon
Fishwater, Thomas
Fissher, William
Fite, John Flanagin, Samuel
Fleming, Camice
Fleming, James
Fleming, John
Fleming, Lewis
Fleming, Peter
Fleming, Robert
Fleming, Robert (Exempt)
Fleming, Thomas (Exempt)
Fleming, William
Florry, Daniel
Florry, Daniel
Flowers, Thomas
Flowers, Thomas
Flowers, Thomas
Flowers, Thomas
Foley, Daniel
Foose, Valentine
Ford, Benj Amin
Ford, Edward
Ford, John
Ford, Warner
Forgeran, Peter
Forgey, Hugh
Forgusson, John
Forgusson, Richard
Forkner, Richard
Forman, Aron
Forman, John
Forman, William
Forrest, Samuel
Forrest, William
Forshe, John
Forsithe, Ben
Forsithe, Ben
Forster, David Or Thos
Forsyth, John
Forsyth, William
Foster, Asa
Foster, David
Foster, Grisum
Foster, James
Foster, John
Foster, Nathaniel
Foster, Robert
Foster, Seth
Foster, William
Foxworthy, John
Frame, Jeremiah
Frame, Jeremiah
Francis, Evan
Francis, Evan
Frant, David
Fraysor, James C
Fraysor, Simon
Frazer, George
Frazer, James
Freeman, Arther
Freeman, Elijah
Fremon, Philip
Friar, Robert
Friend, Andrew
Friend, Charles
Fry, James
Fryer, Abraham
Fugate, George
Fuget, James
Fulger, John
Funk, Adam Jr
Funk, Adam Sr
Furnis, Mary
Furniss, Jacob
Furniss, Jacob
Futes, Thomas
Futton, James
G_dman(?), Jeremiah
Gallagan, John
Gallison, William
Galloway, George
Galloway, James
Galloway, James Sr
Galloway, John
Galloway, Rebecca
Galloway, William
Gambell, David
Garnett, Thomas
Garrard, Daniel
Garrard, James
Garrard, James
Garrard, James
Garrard, James
Garrard, James
Garrard, James
Garrard, William
Gass, John
Gavins, Samuel
Gavins, Samuel
Gavins, William
Gearsh, Andrew
Geddeans, Henery
Gee, James
Genning, William
George, Gabril
George, Parnick
Gibson, John
Gibson, Samuel
Gilbreath, Benjamin
Gilbreath, William
Gilkeson, William
Gilkey, Charles
Gilpen, Israel
Gist, Nathaniel
Gist, Nathaniel
Gist, Nathaniel
Gittenor, Abram
Gittenor, Barne
Gittenor, Francis
Glasco, Nathaniel
Glasgow, Ann
Glen, Andrew
Gobler, Godfrey
Godfray, John
Golley(?), David
Goodlett, Adam
Goodpaster, Abram
Goodpaster, Al'm
Goodpaster, John
Goodpaster, John
Goodpaster, Solomon
Goodwin, William
Gore, Abraham
Gore, George
Gorney, Benjamin
Gorney, William
Gorom, Alexander
Gorom, Lanford
Gorom, Thomas
Gorom, Thomas
Gorrell, Isabeller
Gorrell, John
Gosnel, William
Gossett, John
Gragg, John
Gragg, Samuel
Gragg, Samuel
Graves, Richard
Gray, David
Gray, James
Gray, James
Gray, William
Grayham, Arthur
Grayham, James
Grayham, James Jr
Grayham, Nathaniel
Green, James
Green, Sovain
Green, William
Greening, Thomas
Gregg, James
Gregg, John
Gregg, Mathew
Gregg, William
Gregory, John
Grier, Sarah
Griffen, John
Griffen, John
Griffen, John
Griffen, John
Griffith, Able
Griffith, John
Griffith, William
Grigsby, Bailiss
Grigsby, Lewis
Grimes, Avery
Grimes, Stephen
Grimes, William
Grimsley, Nelson
Grimsley, Nimrod
Grinning, Hepem, H(?)
Groom, Abim
Groom, William
Grun(?), George
Grun(?), Solomon
Gusley, Lewis
Haden, Enoch
Haden, Webb
Haden, Webb
Hadin, Barnet
Hadin, Lott
Hadin, Nehemiah
Haff, John
Haff, Paul
Haglcheerst, Isaac
Haines, Michael
Haines, Michael
Haines, Michael Agent
Hale, James
Hale, Joshua
Hale, William
Haley, Benjamin
Hall, Caleb
Hall, Horatio
Hall, James
Hall, John
Hall, Larrance
Hall, Moses
Hall, Moses
Hall, Randolph
Hall, Richard
Hall, William
Hall, William
Hallock, Benjamin
Ham, Jacob
Ham, Stephen
Hambleton, Gilbreath
Hambleton, John
Hambleton, Robert
Hambleton, Thomas
Hambleton, William
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, John
Hamm, William
Hamton, George
Hancock, Benjamin
Hancock, John
Hand, Elisabeth
Hand, John
Hand, Robert
Hannah, Joseph
Hannah, William
Harbor, David
Harbut, William
Harcor(?), John
Hardesty, Benjamin
Hardwick, John
Haris, William
Harker, John
Harney, Herin
Harney, Rolin
Harper, John
Harris, Samuel
Harris, Thomas
Harris(?), Andrew
Harrison, Daniel
Harrison, Daniel
Harrod, James
Harston, George
Hartman, Peter
Hary (?) , John
Hastey, Thomas
Hatcher, Benjamin
Hatcher, Samuel
Hatcher, Samuel
Hatcher, Samuel
Hathaway, Nathaniel
Havey, Daniel
Hawkins, Gregory
Hawkins, Gregory H
Hawkins, Thomas
Hawkins, Thomas
Hawkins, Zadock
Hay, William
Headington, Abell
Heard, Abij Ah
Heathly, Jacob
Heckmon, John
Hedge, John
Hedge, Joseph
Heldridg, John (Exempt)
Helliss, John
Henderson, Alexander
Henderson, Alexander Ir
Henderson, David
Henderson, James
Henderson, John
Henderson, Peter
Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Samuel
Hendrese, Jacob
Hendrese, Philip
Hendricks, Solomon
Henery, James
Henery, William
Henley(?), John Agent
Henry, Hugh
Henry, Jacob
Henry, Robert
Henry, Samuel
Henry, Samuel
Henry, Samuel
Henthorn, James
Herenton, Laborn
Herson, Garret
Hickcock, Joal
Hicklin, Hugh
Hicklin, Thomas
Hickman, David
Hicks, Moses
Hicks, William
Higgason, George
Higgason, James
Higgin, Jonathan
Higgins, Thomas
Hildridg, Squier
Hill, James
Hill, John
Hill, Richard
Hill, Robert
Hill, Warrin
Hill, William
Hiller, Samuel
Hillis, Robert
Hillis, Sampson
Hillis, Samuel
Hindmon, John
Hinds, Alexander
Hinds, John
Hinds, Samuel
Hinds, Samuel Jr
Hinemon, Samuel
Hines, Jacob
Hinton, Thomas
Hitt, Marlin
Hoard, William
Hockins, Samuel
Hodges, John
Hoffman, Conrod
Hog, John
Hogan, Joshaua
Hoggins, Solomon
Holinshead, Daniel
Hoopman(?), John
Hopkins, David
Hopkins, Elisha
Hopkins, Ezekiele
Hopkins, John
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopkins, Thomas
Hopkins, William
Hopper, John
Hornback, Ab'm
Hornback, Adam
Hornback, Daniel
Hornback, Isaac
Hornback, James
Hornback, John
Hornback, Magdalene
Hornback, Mule
Hornback, Samuel
Hornback, Simon
Horney, Mills
Horseley, Elijah
Horseley, James T
Horseley, Matthew
Horton, William
Horton, William
Hosick, Alexander
Hosick, William
How, Christopher
How, John
How, Robert
Howard, Charles
Howard, James
Howard, Philip
Howe, David
Howe, James
Hoy, Thomas
Hufman, Peter
Huggard, John
Huggard, John
Hughes, James
Hughes, John
Hughes, Railf
Hughs, Thomas
Hughs, William
Hull, Archer
Hume, William
Hunn(?), John
Hunney, John
Hunt, Absolom
Hunt, John
Hunt, John
Hunt, John
Hunt, John
Hunt, John
Hunter, John
Hunter, Joseph
Huse, John
Huston, James
Huston, John
Huston, John
Huston, John
Hutchason, John
Hutchcraft, Thomas
Hutcherson, Benjamin
Hutcherson, James
Hutcherson, James Agent
Hutcherson, Joseph
Hutcherson, Peter
Hutcherson, Peter
Hutcherson, Robert
Hutcherson, William
Hutcherson, William Agent
Indecot, Thomas
Indecott, Aron
Indecott, Barzellea
Indecott, Moses
Ingles, James
Inlows, Henry
Inlows, James
Ireland, Andrew
Ireland, David
Ireland, James
Ireland, John
Ireland, William
Irvin, Andrew
Irvin, David
Irvin, John
Isgregg, Daniel
Jack, Ioseph
Jackson, Colbey
Jackson, John Doctor
Jackson, Joshua
Jackson, Joshua
Jackson, Mordeca
Jacobus, Frederica
Jacobus, Frederica
Jacobus, Frederica
Jacobus, Frederica
Jacobus, Ralph
Jago, Theodory
Jaison, Thomas
Jamison, John
January, Samuel
Jimmerson, Charles
Jimmerson, George
Jimmerson, George
Jimmerson, William
Jimmeson, David
Jimmison, John
Jinifer, John
Jinkins, Matthew
Jobe(?), Andrew
Johnston, Andrew
Johnston, Andrew
Johnston, Benjamin
Johnston, David
Johnston, David
Johnston, James
Johnston, James
Johnston, John
Johnston, Johnathan
Johnston, Joseph
Johnston, Labron
Johnston, Robert
Johnston, Thomas
Joley, James
Kennedy, Easter
Jonce, Benjamin
Kennedy, James
Jonce, John
Kennedy, John
Jones, Allin
Kennedy, Joseph
Jones, Andrew
Kennedy, Thomas Jr
Jones, Dumas
Kennedy, Thomas Sr
Jones, Elijah
Kenny, David
Jones, Giles
Kenny, James
Jones, Jacob
Kimbrough, John
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, John S
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Joshua
Jones, Lucey
Jones, Richard
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Sarah
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas Sr
Jones, Thomas Sr Agent
Jones, Thomas(?) Sr X2
Jones, William.
Jones, William,
Jordan, Dominick
Jordan, Edward
Jordan, Garrard
Jordan, John
Juett, Robert
Jump, John
Jump, William.
Juvinall, David
Juvinall, John
Kannaday, David
Kannaday, William
Kar, Robert
Kaysa, John
Keathley, Jacob
Keller, Abraham Heirs
Keller, Abraham Heirs
Keller, Hannah
Keller, Jacob Heirs
Kelley, William,
Kelly, William.
Kelly, William.
Kemp, Reuben
Kendeal, Joseph
Kenderick(?), Elijah
Kenderick(?), Thomas
Kenderick, Benoni
Kenderick, William.
Kendol, John
Kenet, William.
Kennan, Johns
Kimbrough, Richard
Kimbrough, Samuel
Kimbrough, William
Kincaid, Andrew
Kincaid, Archebald
Kincaid, David
Kincaid, James
Kincaid, William
Kingkade, Andrew
Kingkwit, Samuel
Kingkwit, Samuel
Kiplinger, Phillip
Kirkindol, Henry Jr
Kirkindol, Henry Sr
Kirkindol, John
Kirkpatrick, James
Kirkpatrick, John
Kirkpatrick, John Jr
Kirkpatrick, Joseph
Kirkpatrick, Thomas
Kiser, Jacob
Kizer, John
Knox, David
Knox, John
Knox, William.
Ln(?), Joseph
Lackey, Nathan
Laffety, Thomas
Lail, Margarett
Lair, Mathew
Lake, Ameriah Exempt
Lamb, James
Lamme, Elizabeth
Lamme, James
Landis(?), Charles
Lane, Alias
Lang, Michael
Lanier, Ishum
Lanier, James
Lanier, James
Lar, Jacob
Larrison, George
Lary, Daniel
Lary, Dinis
Lary, Dinis Jr
Laugh, George
Laugherge, John
Laughlin, William
Layson, Robert
Layson(?), John
Leach, Jeremiah
Leach, Mary
Leah, David
Leah, Jacob
Lee, George
Leforgre, Abreham
Lemmon, Joseph
Lemmon, William
Lemmons, John
Lemon, John
Lennard, Callron
Letort, John Jr
Letort, John Sr
Letort, Lewis
Lewis, John
Lightall(?), James
Lighter, Henry Jr
Lighter, Henry Sr
Lile, George
Lilley, Ammeger
Lilley, Thomas Exempt
Lilly, Joshua
Linch, Patrick
Lindsey, George
Linn, Nathan
Linville, Morgan
Linville, William
Linville, William
Lips, Jacob
Liskey(?), Anna
Litten, John
Livingood, Jacob
Lockwood, Samuel
Logan, James
Long, Johnathan
Love(?), John
Lovel, John
Lovel, Peter
Lowe, Groac
Lowe, John
Lowery, James
Luckey, Robert
Lynes, Booker
Lynsey, Oliver
Lyon, Humphries
Lyon, John
Lyon, Samuel
Lytle, Nathaniel
Lytle, Nathaniel
Mclin, Barnet
Macham, Alexander
Machum, James
Maffet, John
Magehe, Henry
Magehe, John
Magill, Alexander
Magill, John
Magill, John
Maginnis, John
Magner, John
Mahan, John
Mahan, Thomas
Mahan, Thomas Agent
Mains, William
Mallory, William
Maloney(?), Alexander
Mannary, Hugh
Manson, Peter
Marceal, David
Mark, William
Markham, William
Marlin, William
Marlin, Z (?) John
Marney, Robert
Marrs, John
Marshall, David
Marshall, Lewis
Marshall, Railf
Marshall(?), Archable
Martin, Adam
Martin, Alexander
Martin, David
Martin, George
Martin, John
Martin, Robert
Martin, Samuel
Martin, William
Masterson, Calup
Masterson(?), Richard
Matheney, Daniel
Mathers, Samuel
Mathis, Thomas
Matlock, Samuell
Matson, James Sr
Matthews, John
Mattox, Tobias
Maxwell, Thomas
Maxwell, William
Maxwell, William Jr
Maye(?), John
McAllin, Robert
McAnn, John Jr
McAnulty, Joseph
McBery, William
McCaffitay, John
McCann, George
McCann, John
McCartey, John
McCarthing, Marr..(?)
McCarty, David
McCarty, James
McCarty, Nathaniel
McCarty, Samuel
McCarty, Thomas
McCaw, Bavis
McCincy, Alexander
McClanahan, James
McClanahan, Robert
McClanahan, Roger
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas
McClanahan, William
McClanen, Robert
McClelland, John
McClelland, William
McClintock, Joseph
McClintock, William
McClure, James
McClure, John
McClure, Jonas
McClure, Rebeca
McClure, Samuel
McColister, John
McCollister, Collister
McConen, Joseph
McConnel, James
McConnel, John
McConnel, Martha
McConnel, Samuel
McConnell, William
McConnold, Samuel
McCorcel, Parterick
McCormack, James
McCormack, John
McCortle, Joseph
McCoule, John
McCoule, John
McCoy, Abraham
McCoy, Alexander
McCoy, John
McCoy, Joseph
McCoy, Samuel
McCoy, Thomas
McCoy, Thomas
McCracking, Hugh
McCrarry, Andrew
McCray, Fines
McCray, Finis
McCray, Martin
McCray, Martin
McCray, Samuel Jr
McCray, Shaphat(?)
McCrery, Andrew
McCrery, John
McCrery, John
McCrery, william
McCrery, william
McCriff, Richard
McCrory, James
McCrory, Samuel
McCrory(?), Robert
McCroskie, Andrew
McCullough, John
McCullough, John
McCune, William
McCutchin, John
McDaniel, Enis
McDaniel, Enis
McDaniel, Francis
McDaniel, James
McDaniel, Robert
McDaniel(?) , P)
McDaniel(?), Francis
McDanniel, Frances
McDikell(?), John
McDole, Daniel
McDougal, Robert
McDowel, Josiah
McDowell, Joshua
McDugh, Robert
McFarson, Adam
McFarson, Alexander
McFarson, Robert
McGehe, Curry
McGolie, john
McIntier, John
McIntier, John agent
McIntire, Andrew
McIntire, William
Mciunkins, William
McKettrick, Anthoney
McKinney, Alexander
McKinny, John
McKinny, Robert
McKinsey, John
McLaughlin, James
McLoney, John
McLoughlin, Thomas
McMahan, Robert
McMeens, John
McMillion, Alexander
McMonigle, Barnett
McMullin, James
McMurtery, William
McNab, Andrew
McNay, Joseph
McNeal, John
McNeal, Joseph
Meadow, Samuel
Meerackin, John
Menary, Charles
Menary, James
Menary, John
Merrell, Joseph
Metcalf, John John
Meyers, Henry
Meyers, Joseph
Meyers, William
Micksel(?), Jacob
Midleton, John
Miller, Abraham
Miller, Abram
Miller, Abriham
Miller, Adam
Miller, Jacob
Miller, John
Miller, John
Miller, Nicholas
Miller, William
Milligin, Samuel
Mills, Aron
Mills, Benjamin
Mills, James
Minnus, John
Mitchel, John
Mitchel, Moses
Mitchell, Alexander
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Elijah
Mitchell, Geryan(?)
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitchell, Samuel
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, William
Mitchell, William Ir
Mitchell, William Sr
Mitchell, William Sr
Mock, Jacob
Mock, Rudolph
Money, John
Monson, Samuel
Mooney, John
Moore, Antony
Moore, Forgey
Moore, John (?)
Moore, Peter
Moore, Peter
Moore, Philip
Moore, Tobias
Moorman, William
More, Guintore(?)
More, James
More, John
More, Marey
Morehead, Samuel
Moreman, William
Morgan, Mordeca
Morgan, Mordecai
Morgan, Nathaniel
Morgan, Ralph
Morgan, Ralph
Morgan, Ralph
Morgan, Ralph
Morgan, Ralph Agent
Morgan, William
Morgan, William
Morgin, David
Morgin, David Ir
Morgin, John
Morgin, Reef
Morin, Edward
Morin, John
Morin, John
Morin, John
Morin, Mary
Morin, Rodeh(?)
Morin, Heirs
Morris, James
Morris, Martha
Morris, Mathew
Morris, Morris
Morris, Richard
Morris, William
Morrison, Hugh
Morrow, John
Morrow, Robert
Morrow, Samuel
Morrow, Samuel
Morrow, William
Morton, Joseph
Moss, Thomas
Moss, William
Mothershead, Charles
Mothershead, Mary
Mountjoy, Edmund(?)
Mountjoy, Edmund(?)
Mountjoy, George
Mountjoy, John
Mucklewane, William
Mulherin, John
Mulherin, John
Mullin, James
Mullin, Richard
Mullin, Thomas
Mulvain, David
Mulvaine, Samuel
Munson, Isaac
Mure, Samuel
Murfee, G Washington
Murphe, William
Musick, Ephraim
Musick, Jehosaday
Myers, Henry
Myseck, John
Mysors, George
Narrion, J Isaac
Natar, John
Neal, Jacob
Neal, James
Neal, John
Neal, Thomas
Neale, Ben S/O Joe
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, Benjamin
Neale, George
Neale, John Heirs
Neale, John Heirs
Neale, Mary
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, George
Nelson, Joseph
Nelson, Joseph
Nelson, Samuel
Nelson, Samuel
Nesbit, Jeremiah
Nesbit, John
Nesbit, Nathaniel
Nesbit, Thomas
Nesbit, William
Nesbit(?), Shedrick
Nesbitt, Robert

Nesson, Charles
Nevans, John
Nevans, John Jr
Nevans, Robert
Nexin, Felix
Nolin, Paul
Norman, Reuben
Northcut, Jeremiah
Northcut, William
Norton, David
Norton, David
Norton, James
Norton, John
Nun, Ailey
Okerson(?), John
Oday, John
Odey, Joseph
Ogotun(?), Francis
Oldham, Tapley
Oneal, Henry
Orchard, Isaac
Orchard, Stephen
Orr, William
Osbon, James
Oteridge, William
Overlay, Boston
Overlay, Martin
Owen, Christopher
Owens, Ruth
Owings, Joshua
Owings, Rachel
Pa_Ecy(?), Jacob
Palmore, John
Palmore, John
Pannell, David
Pannell, Samuel Agent
Pannell, William
Parish, Joseph
Parish, Matthew
Parish, Nathaniel
Parish, Nimrod
Parish, William
Parke, James
Parks, James
Parvin, Henry
Parvin, Thomas
Pasley, Thomas
Patchel, John
Paton, James
Paton, Samuel
Paton, Stephen
Paton, William
Patten, John
Patten, William
Pattison, James
Pattison, Robert
Patton, John
Patton, Joseph
Patton, Matthew
Patton, Thomas
Patton, William
Patton, William Jr
Patton, William Sr
Payne, Reuben
Payne, William
Peak, Joseph
Pearson, Shadrack
Pendleton, Phill
Pendleton, Phill(?)
Penlin, Alexander
Penn, Joseph
Peoples, John
Perin, William
Perkins, Alijah
Perkins, Andrew
Perrin, William
Perry, George
Persel, Richard
Pertee, George
Pertee, James
Pertee, John
Perviance, David
Perviance, John Jr
Perviance, John Sr
Pery, Robert
Petro, Nicholas
Pettey, Ebanezer
Pettey, Joseph
Pettey, Ralph
Petteyjohn, Jacob
Petteyjohn, Peter
Peulin, Alexander
Peyton, Charles
Peyton, Charles Jr
Peyton, John
Philips, Elijah
Philips, William
Pickett, Martin
Piper, John
Piper, William
Plue, Jeremiah
Plue, Philip
Pollard, William
Polley, John
Polock, James
Porter, Andrew
Porter, Charles
Porter, Elijah
Porter, John
Porter, Joseph
Porter, Robert
Porter, Samuel
Porter, Thomas
Pots, William
Powell, Abraham
Powell, Abraham
Price, Christipher
Price, John Heirs
Price, Samuel
Price, William
Prier, Samuel
Pryor, Samuel
Pue, Henery
Pugh, Joseph
Pullon, Jedidiah
Pullon, John
Pullon, Thomas
Purday, Isaac
Pursell, William
Qually, Patrick
Quiett, James
Quigley, Jonathan
Quin, James
Ramley, John
Ramsey, Martha
Ramsey, William
Ramsey, William
Rankins, Benjamin
Rankins, John
Rankins, Reuben
Rann, Thomas
Ratcliff, Benjamin
Ratcliff, Benjamin
Ratcliff, Edward
Ratcliff, Edward
Ravinscraft, Thomas
Ray, Frances
Ray, James
Ray, Samuel
Rayborn, Robert
Readman, Ann
Records, Archable
Redish, Joal
Redmon, Thomas
Reed, Andrew
Reed, Elizabeth
Reed, George
Reed, James
Reed, John
Reed, John S
Reed, William
Reed, Zachariah
Reeder, Thomas
Reeder, Thomas
Rekets, Charity
Reno, Zely
Reveal, Joseph
Reynolds, Antony
Reynolds, James
Reynolds, John
Rice, Daniel
Rice, Hirim
Rice, Randolph
Rice, Solomon
Rich, Isaiah
Rich, Samuel
Richards, William
Richardson, Aron
Riche, Mary
Riche, Phillips
Riche, Robert
Richey, Gilbreath
Richey, Robert
Riddle, Thomas
Ridgley, Charles
Ridhley, Richard
Riffle, Jacob
Riffle, Nelly
Right, Robert
Riley, James
Robb, Joseph
Roberts, Edwards
Roberts, Elijah
Roberts, Handley
Roberts, Hezekiah
Roberts, John
Roberts, John
Roberts, Nealey
Roberts, Shinor(?)
Roberts, William
Robeson, James
Robeson, Samuel
Robinett, Joseph
Robinsn, Absalom
Robinson, Abraham
Robinson, George
Robinson, James
Robinson, John
Robinson, Nathan
Robinson, Robert
Robinson, Samuel
Robinson, Zachariah
Robison, George
Robison, James
Robnet, John
Rock, Patrick
Rodnay, Martin
Rogers, Andrew
Rogers, Benjamin
Rogers, Hamilton Jr
Rogers, Hamilton Sr
Rogers, James
Rogers, John
Rogers, Joseph
Rogers, Thomas
Rogers, Turner
Rogers, William
Roling, Robert
Roling(?), John
Rollins, Joshua
Rolston, William
Roney, Joseph
Rookberry, Jacob
Rooks, Thomas
Roper, Stephen
Ross, Alexander
Ross, Elizabeth
Ross, James
Ross, Richard
Ross, Samuel
Rought, John
Rought, John Jr
Rought, William
Row, William
Rpobinett, Samuel
Ruby, Thomas
Rudle, Isaac
Rudle, Isaac
Rudle, Isaac
Rudle, James
Rue, George
Rukets, John
Rule, John
Rule, Samuel
Rule, Sarah
Rule, Thomas
Runald, Elizabeth
Runnion, Henry
Runnocks, George
Runnold, Elizabeth
Russil, George
Rutherford, John
Rutter, William
Ryebolt, Jacob
Ryland, John
Ryley, John
Ryley, Liven
Sacket, Cyrus
Saddle, John
Saford, Henery
Salts(?), Edward
Sample, George
Sample, George
Sample, James
Sampson, Aquila
Sampson, Aquilla
Sampson, Richard
Sanders, James
Sanderson, John
Sanduskay, James
Sanford, Richard Heirs
Sanford, Thomas
Santee, Joseph
Satts, Edwards
Sconce, James
Sconce, Thomas
Sconce, William
S Cony (?) Robert
Scoott, John
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, Elij Ah
Scott, Elisha
Scott, Gabriel
Scott, George
Scott, James
Scott, James(?)
Scott, John
Scott, Levy
Scott, Nelly
Scott, Patrick
Scott, Robert
Scott, Thomas
Scott, William
Scrogin, John
Scrogin, Samuel
Sears, James
See, Jacob
Selby, James
Selby, Lingan
Self, Vinncent
Sellen, Nathan Agent
Sellers, Joseph
Sellers, Nathan
Severn, John
Shackelford, Reuben
Shanklin, John
Shanno(?), Thomas
Shanton, Abraham
Sharp, George
Sharp, Robert
Sharp, Robert
Sharrah, Peter
Shaver, George

Shaver, Peter
Shaw, John
Shaw, Thomas
Shawhan, Daniel
Shawhan, John
Shawhan, Margaret
Shield, Tobias
Shields(?), William
Ship, Labon
Ship, Labon
Ship, Labon
Ship, Labon
Ships, Joseph
Shoemaker, James
Shoemaker, Lakey
Shortridge, George Jr(?)
Shortridge, George Sr
Shortridge, John
Shortridge, Samuel
Shott, Peter
Shropshir, Abner
Shropshir, Benjamin
Shropshir, Joseph
Shropshire, John Jr
Shropshire, John Sr
Shropshire, Walter
Shrout, John
Shuck(?), William
Shull, Thomas
Sidener, Henry
Sidener, Philip
Sidwell, Elijah
Sidwell, Hugh
Sights, John
Simmons, John
Simpson, Jeremiah
Sinnard, Thomas
Skidmore, George
Skidmore, Joshua
Skidmore, Samuel
Skidmore, William
Slagle, John
Slaker(?), Edward(?)
Slaughter, ---
Slaughter, ---
Smalley, Joshua
Smart, James
Smart, Richard
Smedley, Aron
Smelcer, Peter
Smelsor, Peter
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Cattron
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles Sr
Smith, Charles Sr
Smith, Charles Sr
Smith, Charles Sr
Smith, Darnold
Smith, Hawkins
Smith, Isaac
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, Jesse
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Jolin
Smith, Michael
Smith, Michael
Smith, Micle
Smith, Robert
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Terrance
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William
Smoot, Barton
Smoot, Claborn
Smoot, John
Smoot, Lewis
Smuser, Henery
Smyser, Jacob
Smyser, Mical
Snap, George
Snap, Peter
Sneethen(?), William
Snell, Charles
Snidegar, Moses
Snodgras, Robert
South, Redikiah
Sparks, George
Sparks, John
Sparks, William Sr
Sparks(?), William Jr
Speakes, John
Speaks, Hezekiah
Speares, Christian
Speares, Jacob
Speares, Jacob
Spencer, Thomas
Spencer, William
Spenser, Icane
Spenser, James
Spurgin, George
Spurgin, James
Spurgin, William
Spurlock(?), Jesse
Stamps, William
Starke, James
Starke, Thomas Agent
Starks, John
Starks, Thomas
Steel, James
Steel, John
Steel, Joseph
Steel, Joseph Jr
Steel, William Ir
Steel, William Sr
Stephens, Benjamin
Stephens, William
Stephenson, George
Stephenson, John Ir
Stephenson, John Sr
Stephenson, Samuel
Stephenson, Thomas
Stephenson, William Jr
Stephenson, William Sr
Stevens, James
Stevenson, Aron
Stevenson, James
Stevenson, Joseph
Stevenson, Joseph
Stevenson, Joseph
Stevenson, Mark
Stevenson, William
Stewart, Archer
Stewart, David
Stewart, Elisha
Stewart, James
Stewart, John
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart, Mathew
Stewart, Richard
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, Thomas
Stewart, William
Stip, Michael
Stites, Samuel
Stites, William
Stitt, Hugh
Stockwell, Ann
Stockwell, James
Stoker, Jonathan
Stoker, Jonothan
Straney, Nicholas
Stratton, Surriah
Strode, James
Strother, French
Strother, Thomas
Strother, Thomas
Stubs, Ann
Stump, Frederick
Stut, Adam.
Sumatt, Stuffle
Sumault, Andrew
Sumit, Cristian
Sumit, George
Summers, John
Summers, John
Sutton, Benjamin
Sutton, James
Sutton, John
Sutton, Nathaniel
Swancy, John
Swaringen, Andrew
Swearingen, Joseph
Swim, Alexander
Swim, John
Swimm, Alexander
Swiney, Daniel
Swiney, James
Swiney, James
Swinney, Jane
Tables, Peter
Talbert, Henry
Talbert, Hugh
Tanner, James
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Samuel
Taylor, Thomas
Tell (?) Jacob
Terrell, Robert
Teuning, Robert
Thatcher, John
Thatcher, Joseph
Thomas, Eli
Thomas, James
Thomas, James Jr
Thomas, John
Thomas, Margaret
Thomas, Moses
Thomas, Moses
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, William.
Thompson, A Thomas
Thompson, David
Thompson, Elijah
Thompson, James
Thompson, Samuel

Thompson, William.
Thornton, Coats
Thornton, Thomas
Tillett, James
Tillett, John Jr
Tillett, John Sr
Timberlake, Obed
Timberlake, Richard
Timberley, Oba
Timberley, William
Tinsley, James
Tittle, James
Todd, Edward
Todd, John Jr
Todd, John Sr
Tolbott, Bemovel(?)
Toliferro, Richard
Tompson, Henry
Tompson, Thomas
Tomson, Jane
Tomson, William
Townsend, Joshua
Trabue, James
Trabue, James
Travis,Ry (?)
Trig, Thomas
Trimble, David
Trimble, George
Trimble, Isaac
Trimble, James
Trimble, Robert
Trimble, Thomas
Trimble, William
Trimble, Witt
Trotter, Christopher
Trotter, Christopher
Trotter, James
Trotter, Joseph
Trotter, Joseph
Trotter, Joseph
Trotter, Joseph
Trousdale, John
Trousdale, William
Truby, Christopher
Truby, John
Trumbo, Andrew
Trumbo, Andrew
Trumbo, George
Trumbo, John
Tucker, Alexander
Tucker, John
Tucker, Lenord
Tucker, William
Tull(?), John
Tulley, John
Turner, Daniel
Turner, James
Turner, Jesse
Turner, Robert
Turner, William
Tury, Reuben
Twineham, James
Twinsby(?), John
Umble, Hannah
Umble, Noah
Underwood, Frances
Vaneton, John
Vangordes, Zephamiah
Vanmeter, Peter
Vardeman, Peter
Varner, Abreham
Venemon, John
Vennemon, Garrot
Vert, Jacob
Victorpeter, Of Dory
Vincent, John
Virgin, James
Wadle, James
Waitle, Heirs
Wakeland, Basols(?)
Wakeland, Chary(?)
Wale, James
Walker, Antony
Walker, Joseph
Walker, Robert
Walker, Samuel
Wallace, John
Wallace, Joseph
Wallace, Stephenson
Waller, Sarah
Wals, John
Walton, John
Walton, William
Ward, Benj Amin
Warren, William
Warron, Margaret
Warson, Charles
Washburn, Benjamin
Washburn, Delany
Washburn, Elias
Waters, Benjamin
Waters, John
Wats, James
Watson, Abraham
Watson, Isaac
Watson, John
Watts, John
Watts, William
Waugh, Jacob
Waugh, James
Waugh, Samuel
Weathershead, Robert
Web, Ann
Web, Charles
Webb, Isaac
Webb, Isaac
Webb, William
Webster, Henry Sr
Webster, James S
Webster, Samuel
Weever, George
Wellch, Mical
Wells, Barwell
Wells, Benjamin
Wells, James
Wells, John
Wells, Samuel
West, Rachell
West, Simeon
West, Thomas
Westfall, James
Whealer, Cremerpan(?)
Whealer, George
White, Jacob
White, John
White, John Jr
White, Samuel
Whiteaker, Henery
Whiteaker, John
Whiteaker, John
Whiteaker, Thomas
Whitesides, Joseph
Whitkel, John
Whitledg, Robert
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, Thomas
Whitledg, William
Whitledge, Heirs
Whitledge, Heirs
Whitledge, Heirs
Wiery, Peter
Wiginaton, Henry
Wilkinson, James
Wille, Richard
Willey, John
William, John
William, Samuel
Williams, Barwell
Williams, Charles
Williams, Jesse
Williams, John
Williams, Moses
Williams, Obadiah
Williams, Roger Agent
Williams, Rogers
Willis, Henry
Willison, James
Willmorth, John
Wills, Francis
Willson, Benjamin
Willson, Charles
Wilmott, Richard
Wilmott, Robert
Wilson, Alexander
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, David
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Ephraim
Wilson, George
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, Henry Jr
Wilson, Israel
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jeremiah
Wilson, John
Wilson, Margerat
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Samuel
Wilson, Thomas
Winn, James
Wirey, Peter (Exempt)
Witty, David
Witty, Jacob
Witty, Marcy
Wofford, Benjamin
Wollis, Harmison
Wood, John
Woodard, Charles
Woodard, Chesley
Woodard, Chesley
Woodland, William
Woodland, William
Woodward, Bartlett
Woodward, Chesley
Woodward, Chesley Jr
Woodward, John
Wooldrige, Edmond
Wooleridge, Edward
Wooleridge, Fleming
Wooleridge, William
Woolf, Christopher
Woolray, Henery
Woolray, Larrance
Wooly, Jacob
Worden, Philip
Worle, Samuel
Worstett, Joseph
Wott, Thomas
Wright, Alexander
Wright, Charles
Wright, Iserel
Wright, James
Wright, John
Wright, Marget
Wright, Samuel
Wright, Thomas
Wright, William
Wukwire, Akkons(?)
Yache, John
Yates, John
Yauger, Peter
Yauger, Peter
Yetton, Charles
Yetton, James
Yetton, John
Yoell(?), William
Young, Jacob
Young, James
Young, Parterick
Zimmerman, George